Cena de segundo plano do jogo

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the available races and classes on the server?

The server features three classic races: Human, Beastkind, and Winged. The available classes are Warrior, Mage, Archer, Priest, Barbarian, and Venomancer.

What are the best items in the game?

The best items are 3-star items, molds, Dusk items, and past items.

Does the server have Genie?

No, the server does not have Genie.

Are the quests simplified or reduced?

No, the quests follow the classic format and require a high number of monsters to complete.

Is the server PvP or PvE?

The server is PvP. From level 30, all players automatically enter PvP mode.

What PvP modes are available?

The server features Guan Yu Arena (1v1 and up to 6v6 battles at specific times), 20v20 Wars, and Mini-TW as massive PvP events.

Is the server Pay to Win (P2W)?

No. The GShop store does not sell P2W items.

Will the server have a Battle Pass?

Yes, there will be a Battle Pass on the server.

How do I participate in the Closed Beta?

To participate, simply join the server’s Discord. Some access keys will be distributed during the testing period.

When is the official server launch?

The launch is planned for the first half of 2025, but no exact date has been set yet.

What is the maximum refinement allowed on the server?

The maximum refinement is +8, and the best stones are level 9. There are no pearls; refinement is done only with Mortal Stone, Heaven and Earth Stone, Evil Stone, and Heaven Stone.

Does the server have any protection against hacks and bots?

Yes, there is protection against monster-killing bots and resource-gathering bots.

Has the game client been optimized?

Yes, the server client is highly optimized, reaching up to 600 FPS.

How do clans and territorial wars work?

Clans will have limited slots, and territorial wars will be reduced to maintain a competitive balance in the classic style.

What are the main farming methods on the server?

Farming will be 100% group-focused, with no space for multi-accounts.

Will clans earn TCC?

No. The goal of the server is to provide a nostalgic and fun experience. The TCC system, which fosters competitiveness, is exclusive to The Classic PW - Genesis.

Will there be a clan TIER system?

No. All clans will have the opportunity to build their reputation and establish their place.

What are the server rates?

Almost negative. Everything will be extremely difficult, and all items considered rare will truly be rare. If you prefer something more friendly and modern, we recommend playing on The Classic PW - Genesis.